Sunday, March 30, 2008

What You Should Know About Dating Safely

What You Should Know About Dating Safely

One of the most important precautions is that someone should know where you are going, and with whom you are going. A friend or a roommate, or for younger daters, even a parent can easily fill this role. This is really important when it is a blind date, or a date made over the internet. If a potential date is not willing to properly identify themselves, and even provide proof, it is a safe bet that they have something to hide.

Here is an example that would be a good idea in the case of an internet arranged date. Both parties could meet at the local Police Station and present ID cards, and let the Officer on duty know they are planning to go on a date that evening. Sound extreme? I doubt anyone planning to chop you up with an axe and hide your body in a dumpster would want to make the investigation that easy for CSI. Of course, you can be guided by your own instincts to some degree, but make sure you don’t turn up missing, and no one has any idea where you were or who you were with.

Even in those cases where you are dating someone that you do know casually, or perhaps have already dated in the past, there are some things that can be done to make the experience a bit safer. If you are expecting the other party to pay for everything, still make sure you bring enough money to get home safely. Never let yourself get into a position where you are depending on a person who has lost control of themselves to take care of you.

In the end, dating safety is no different than any other form of safety. A bit of common sense, a dash of caution, and a cup of thinking ahead will provide the recipe for a safe and enjoyable date every time. So go out and enjoy yourself, safely.

Dating With An Age Difference

Dating With An Age Difference

There is in our society a feeling that any dating relationship in which the partners are not within months of each other’s age is somehow inappropriate.

That in a nutshell is the only major hurdle that needs to be overcome. There are going to be people out there who are going to be sure to let you know what they think of your May/December romance. If you are the type that tends to not get overly upset about the opinions of others, especially those that deal with your personal life, then you should have pretty smooth sailing. After all there is a reason why there is such a difference in the maturation rates of the different genders. If for millions of years it has been fairly normal for there to be an age difference in relationships, than it is a good bet it is something down there in our DNA causing that!

Ultimately, all of the other factors that determine success in a dating relationship are going to be in play here. Human beings are too diverse in just about everyway that counts to make any hard and fast rules about a proper age difference. The only rule that really counts is that “legal age” rule. Once you are sure you are dealing with a fellow adult, and you can handle some of your friends freaking out a bit, it is just going to be a matter of compatibility and attraction just like any other date. Perhaps a good approach for any couple to take when considering entering a dating relationship can be expressed with this question: How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you really were?”

Dating After Loss

Dating After Loss

Everyone experiences grief differently and therefore mourning periods are not the same for everyone. What may be a sufficient time of mourning for you may seem like too short a time for someone else. Some people actually believe that there are rules and ways to behave after the death of a spouse. These notions are as archaic as the long ago idea that a widow must marry the brother of her dead husband.

Some people may worry that to begin dating again would, in some ways, be cheating on your deceased spouse. Anxieties will cloud the air and old fears will surface. The best help for getting through this new phase of your life is to have a good set of friends by your side, holding your hand, and keeping you steady. Expressing your feelings of mourning in a safe place is a good way to begin the healing process.

Coming to terms with your previous marriage is important before you can move forward. If you are lucky enough to fall in love a second (or third) time it will not be the same type of love as your previous marriage. You are older and more mature and you approach life differently.

Experts say that being able to reestablish a sense of intimacy with someone other than your spouse is more difficult for widows. If you feel comfortable getting out into the dating world you should try it.

It may be a hard thing to figure out, but make sure that when you do date that you are dating for the right reasons. Dating to fill a void is unfair to you and your new partner. You simply cannot replace the partner that you lost, but the heart can love again.

Talking about your deceased spouse when you are dating again is common. Just don’t spend the entire evening reliving your former life. Make sure you spend time getting to know your date for who they are and try not to morph them into a therapist role.

Dating Tips For Women

Dating Tips For Women

Sometimes dating can be difficult. You may not no where to even start to meet someone. You may be shy, or find it difficult to trust men. You might just need some ideas for what to talk about when you’re on a date. Well, here are some really great dating tips and ideas for women.

Get out of the house – A great way to meet great new guys is by having a girls’ night out. What guy isn’t going to look at a group full of girls that just walked through the door? Try a nice classy night club or lounge as a great place to have your girls’ night out. Get together some of your best girl friends, and have a great time!

Confidence is the best beauty aid – Whether you’re really terrified that you look stupid or sound like a dork, it’s important to exude an impression of confidence. When men see an attractive, confident woman, they go crazy. Men want a woman who knows what she’s worth. Confident doesn’t mean that you have to look like the world’s top fashion model. Just be confident in the fact that you’re you. When women are comfortable in their own skin, it’s a real turn on to guys.

Looks aren’t everything – When searching for that perfect guy, a lot of women see a really hot guy and automatically assume he’s great. Well, unfortunately, this is not the case. So, before you start picking out the ring and sending out the invitations, be sure that the two of you mesh well. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life saying, “Honey, just sit there and look pretty, but don’t speak.” An ideal relationship is where two people are happy being around each other. You want a man who can make you laugh, who you consider sweet and caring, and honesty is a definite plus.

Nothing is a bigger turn off to guys than a woman who constantly talks about her ex boyfriends! It can be a challenge to keep it zipped on this matter, but think about it. How would you feel if all he ever talked about was his ex girlfriends. This can bring a date down faster than a cigarette through a balloon.

Be yourself – It’s important that you never change who you are. Some women will ‘be’ a certain way with men, and different when they’re alone or with their girlfriends. Lay it all on the line right there. Be your naturally charming little self. If he doesn’t like you for who you are, another guy will!

Dating can be frustrating and make you feel like throwing in the towel, but with these great tips and ideas, you’ll be a pro in no time. Good luck, and happy dating!

How Free Internet Dating Can Help You Find Love

How Free Internet Dating Can Help You Find Love

If you want to find true love, check out one of the free dating sites and register your profile. Then get ready to meet the love of your life.

Fill Out All Information

The more information that you complete in your dating profile, the easier it will be for people to find you. Most people read the profile and look for someone who will be compatible. By answering questions truthfully, instead of a “prefer not to answer,” you have a better chance of finding true love on the free internet dating site.

Use E-Mails First

Before giving out a phone number or arranging a meeting with someone, e-mail them a few times. Get to know them a bit before jumping into a meeting. You will most likely meet a lot of new people when you join a free internet dating service, so take time to get to know them before meeting them in person. This can save you quite a bit of trouble if you find out, for example, that he or she does not like children and you have several children.

Treat Others With Respect

Answer all mail politely on your free internet dating site. This does not mean that you have to go out with everyone who asks you out, but you should give them the courtesy of a reply if they contact you, whether or not you are interested in them. Think about the way you would want others to treat you and take your cue from that.

Talk On The Phone Before Meeting

You can learn a lot about someone by talking on the phone. Get to know someone before meeting them in person by talking on the phone. Chances are that you are going to meet quite a few people on the free online dating site, so it is a smart idea to get to know someone before you arrange a meeting.

Arrange a Meeting In A Few Weeks

Unless you are looking for a pen pal, arrange a meeting with your new friend who you met on the free internet dating site within a few weeks after contact. Someone who does not want to meet you should arouse suspicion. Remember that the purpose of a free online dating site is to meet someone who you can date. Unless you are looking for a correspondence romance, arrange a meeting within a few weeks after meeting someone on the free dating site.

You can find true love on a free online dating site if you are willing to look for love. Anyone who has an open mind as in the right frame of mind to find someone nice can do so on a free internet dating site.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Try Free Online Dating

Try Free Online Dating

By selling space they are able to make money and the site are open to everybody. This has attracted everybody in this sites. Its a very nice idea. They students and the low income earners are able to access this facility with ease. its actually fun to date online. In free online dating sites you get all sorts of people. quite a good number of them are just bored and need to break their boredom. Others are in the office and they derive pleasure by chatting online.

free online dating is addictive to same extent. Not everybody on this dating sites is interested in a partner. Some are looking for sex and others are just having fun. In free online dating sites you get all sorts of people married ,single and even windowed. Men are the majority in the dating sites. The young population has not been left behind in online dating, the ages of below 25 is very common in this sites. Men and women above thirty are many and actually more serious with the whole idea of searching for life partner than the young. On my own opinion, online dating is still a young society that is growing and the society is setting it’s own norms that everyone is adhering to, trying to create comfort to its members. In the process old members always replace new members hence keeping the numbers large all the more reasons why online dating is flourishing.

Free online dating is all about searching for a free online dating site on the Internet that fits your preferences and register. All the sites will give you an option to browse through their users profile and see what they offer. Interaction in this site is enhanced such that the users can blog, have video conferencing and forums. This days dating sites are not just dating sites they interacting machines.

The major drawback with free online dating is the invasion by scammers, users who are always online waiting for unsuspecting users to reap a fortune from. They present very lucrative schemes to the unsuspecting users who promise very attractive offers on some dubious schemes in an attempt to con the users. People from all walks of life are found on free online dating site. Its wise as a user to be very careful and tread carefully if you are intending to try free online dating.

make sure you sieve your dates carefully am sure you can get nice and peace loving people online. Take time to know your date don't agree to hurriedly organized meeting or parting with your contacts or personal details easily. Take your time choose your date carefully .Ask the question you would want to know. Its good to note that scammers are always in a hurry and in most cases they will not remembers what they told you they last time you had a conversation. Free online dating can make you realize your dream if simple and precise steps on your safety are taken into account.

10 point that make or break your online dating experience

10 point that make or break your online dating experience

Your love life may be stalled for a number of reasons. A recently ended relationship might leave you stranded with a condensed social circle and feelings of loneliness. You might have experienced a recent change, like a divorce, graduating from college, or moving to a new city. No matter what the circumstance, it is hard to meet new people. Enter the world of online dating - full of variety, spice, and excitement. If you're new to the online dating scene, there are several things that everyone should know.

1. Understand yourself

Determine what you are looking for in a relationship and state it clearly. If you just want to meet people for fun weekends and casual dating, let it be known. It is also acceptable to draw the line at chat rooms, if you don't feel ready for face-to-face meetings. Whatever your standard is, be consistent and firm, ensuring that you do not get hurt.

2. Use your network

Many people are finding their relationships with online dating. You'll be surprised to find out that your friends are spending time in chat rooms and sorting through profiles. Ask them what works, and what sites to use. The best advice comes from someone you trust.

3. Pace yourself

There is no need to rush into taking the next step with online dating. Spend as much time in the chat room or talking on the phone as you want - make sure you're ready to meet face-to-face to create a good experience for the both of you.

4. Be totally honest

If you really want to experience success with online dating, you must be honest. While you cannot control the actions of others, maintaining accountability to yourself will thwart the temptation to attach someone else's picture to your profile or lie about your past.

5. Manage your matches

Online dating can be overwhelming. It's a lot easier to browse profiles of individuals that you know are looking for a relationship than to strike up a conversation with someone at the bar. Choose a few of the most interesting profiles, take notes, and limit yourself to corresponding with them at first. You can always look again if they don't work out, and this will avoid too much activity and confusing emotions.

6. Not all text is truth

Unfortunately, not everyone will be as honest as you are. It's acceptable to ask for references and check out verifiable information before agreeing to set up a face-to-face meeting. Don't be afraid to ask for background checks or consult public records.

7. Mind your manners

Do not be inclined to get too intimately involved with someone in a chat room. Deep, personal discussions can get out of hand when they don't occur face-to-face. Ask yourself if you would say certain things to someone on the phone or in a social setting, and use censorship. This will make sure that you do not hurt anyone else's feelings or your own.

8. Paying for an online dating service might not be so bad

Websites that charge for entering chat rooms or making an online dating profile may turn you off at first glance. You might feel embarrassed or afraid to shell out hard earned money to a dating website; however, you can rest assured that if someone is willing to make the investment it costs to participate in online dating circles, it's possible that they are very serious and willing to go the extra mile for you!

9. Be timely

Don't have access to the internet everyday? This might cause problems in the online dating world. Those who try this method of socialization like to think they'll receive quick responses. Be available, consider setting aside a specific time to spend in the chat room, and respond to emails in a timely fashion. Otherwise, you might find your potentials losing interest.

10. Safety first, second, and third

If you decided that a face-to-face meeting is in order, consider your own safety. Meet in a public place with many people and provide your own transportation. This applies to not only the first date, but the subsequent ones as well if you have a good time.

Top 5 Flirting Tips For Guys For Attracting a Woman

The secret to flirting for men is to showcase your masculinity, but there is a lot more to this than scratching yourself in public or belching loud enough for the folks outside to hear.

- Keep eye contact - You should strive to lock eyes with the woman that you are flirting with for at least five or six seconds before smiling. Once you've caught her attention you can drop your gaze. This lets the woman you are interested in know that it is her that you are looking at. Eye contact is a universal sign signifying openness, and lets the woman know that you are intentionally flirting with her.

- Keep smiling! - Lets say you have a flirting tool box. Do you know what your most important tool would be? Simple, your smile! Experts in body language and psychology both agree that one of the absolutely most important things that you could possibly do to make you appear more approachable, and more attractive, is to smile. Offer her a smile that says you are having an excellent time, and are happy to be where you are at. The smile, according to body language experts, is the international sign that you are friendly. Lock eyes and trade smiles with a woman at least three times in a single evening, and you have found the sign you needed that says she's interested in being approached by you.

- Square your Shoulders - Biologically, women tend to be attracted to men who are more dominant. You can give off this specific air simply by standing tall and pressing your shoulders back. The more assertive you are when flirting with a woman from across the room, the more readily she will be able to respond. Hold your head up, and change your gestures to appear more assertive to her, and she will get the picture.

- Do not be afraid to mimic - People tend to mirror one another's body languages when they are attracted, using similar gestures, and similar volume of voice and so on. Try to subtly mimic her behavior. Lean forward when she does, scratch your head when she does. When you and she begin to mirror one another's behaviors, it can create the feeling that the two of you are connected.

- Focus! - Once you and your target have begun to talk, make sure that you smile and maintain your eye contact while they speak. Focus all of your attention on what is being said. The most attractive person is someone who finds you fascinating, so return the favor to her.

Get A Girl Friend Without Asking Her Out

One way to get a girl to go out with you with out asking them is to give your friend a picture of you to give to this girl with "Will you go out with me?" on the back of the picture. And than if your friend comes back with the picture you have failed. But if he or she comes back without the picture then you have succeeded. The reason why I am writing this is because it has happened to me. The next thing to do is to go see this girl. you could also ask your friend if he or she has a picture of this girl. The girl doesn't have to know you or meet you face to face to like you.

The girl however might want to see you sometime. It is possible that this girl likes or maybe even loves you. There is a lot of things a girl likes in a boy. For example this girl might ask your friend a question like "Is he funny?" or like "Is he a cute or good liking guy?". There are a lot of reason for this girl to like you even if she doesn't know u. The number one thing you need to know about love is that it is a really hard thing to under stand. The reason why you should know this is because you and this girl might like each other and you two might get married some day.

So I guess this the end of my article. I hope you liked it.